Albi - La Cathédrale

Mon Jean,
J’ai reçu ta carte lettre hier, me disant que tu avais reçu les 5 fr. En même temps j’ai reçu une dépêche de Tinhan (?). Triste nouvelle, Pierrou est mort, on l’enterrait hier Jeudi à 9 heures et nous n’avons eu la dépêche que le jeudi à 10H. Donc il nous a été totalement impossible de nous rendre à l’enterrement, nous irons au service que l’on fera dire s’il n’a pas été enterré civilement. Adieu mon Jean.
Je t’embrasse bien fort.
Ta Jeanne."
"March 24
My Jean,
I got your letter-card yesterday, thinking that you had received the 5 francs. At the same time, I received a wire from Tinhan (?). Sad news, Pierrou is dead, he was buried on Thursday at 9 and we got the news at only 10 on Thursday. So, it was totally impossible for us to go to the funeral, we will go to the mass for him if he hasn't been buried civilly .
Goodbye my Jean.
I give you a big kiss.
Your Jeanne."
Notes: Jean et Jeanne était mariés. Jean était au front pendant la première guerre mondiale. Je ne sais pas exactement quel était leur lien de parenté avec mon grand-père, ni comment ces cartes sont entrées en sa possession, mais une bonne partie de leur correspondance apparaîtra dans ce blog. Je ne sais pas non plus qui était Pierrou.
Jean and Jeanne were married. Jean was fighting on the front during WWI (remember that in French, Jean is a man's name). I'm not sure what was their relationship to my grandfather and how their correspondence ended up with his either, but we'll see several of their cards on this blog. I don't know who Pierrou was either...
Jean and Jeanne were married. Jean was fighting on the front during WWI (remember that in French, Jean is a man's name). I'm not sure what was their relationship to my grandfather and how their correspondence ended up with his either, but we'll see several of their cards on this blog. I don't know who Pierrou was either...
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